What is web animation standing for?
The term “Web animation” aggregates all the techniques used to set a website’s elements in motion. Web animations can be coded and displayed in different formats, and can serve several purposes.Why should I use web animations on my website?
You don’t have to use web animation on your website. Nevertheless, most of websites use basic web animations today. For example, a dropdown menu on a webpage is considered as an animation.
You can also work on more complex web animation, as long as it is not uniquely for graphic purposes: web animation must always be aimed at enhancing the user’s experience.
If you’d like to have a look on what can be done today in term of web animation, I invite you to visit this website.
What kind of web animations Pineapple Web design company can handle?
We can handle both simple and complex animations.
We like to use CSS3, HTML (.svg), Javascript, and videos to run animations because it is performant, and indexable for search engines.
We rarely use .gif animations on the websites we design because .gif files, if abused, are heavy and therefore impact negatively your page’s loading time.
We don't use Flash for your website’s animations because it is only available on desktop device browsing. Additionally, it is massively inaccessible, unsecured, and cannot be indexed by search engines