working toward the implementation of social policy in agriculture industry.
Development of customized website user data reports
Web analytics
Google analytics, Google tag manager, GA, GTM, Google search console
The "Mutualité sociale agricole" (MSA) is a French private organization handling the insurance coverage of all agriculture professionals.
With more than 26.8 billion euros paid out in 2019, and more than 5.6 millions professionals covered, MSA is the second largest social insurance service provider in France.
The project we worked on aimed at providing accurate and personalized insights on the users’ interactions with the organization's website.
With more than 26.8 billion euros paid out in 2019, and more than 5.6 millions professionals covered, MSA is the second largest social insurance service provider in France.
The project we worked on aimed at providing accurate and personalized insights on the users’ interactions with the organization's website.
- 01Collecting data on the documents visitors viewed and downloaded from the website.
- 02 Collecting and recording the terms that visitors searched on the website.
- 03 Reporting on a weekly basis a selected set of data (KPIs) to the company’s management team.
- 01We setup in bulk several custom events in the website's code that trigger when users click on a targeted buttons.
- 02 We set up Google analytics site search function to record all the keywords typed by visitors in the search bar.
- 03 We created custom reports sent on a weekly basis.
- 01MSA can identify the sources of information that catch most of the users’ interest. The KPIs and reports we created help CCMSA choose the new topics they should cover and improve the intelligence gathered by the company on their traffic statistics. Overall, this resulted in an increase in the average time spent by users on their website.
- 02 Thanks to the records held on the keywords typed in the search box, MSA can pinpoint the trending topics they should cover.
- 03 The main source of information for MSA's member is the website. Thanks to the custom reports sent weekly, the management team can take informed decisions on the user experience upgrades to privilegeand on the new topic opportunities to cover.