CIF International
a non-profit organization for workers in the human services field
Development of a website with a custom CMS for the council of international fellowship
Project's URL:
custom CMS, Laravel, Member area, Google map API, web hosting
CIF International is a private, voluntary, non-profit, politically and religiously independent organization founded in 1960 following up the Cleveland International Program in the USA - later on Council of International Programs (CIP) and CIPUSA.
We are workers in the human services field from around the world having common experience in professional exchange programs or are interested in it.
We are workers in the human services field from around the world having common experience in professional exchange programs or are interested in it.
- 01To work with a group of 6 people, all located in different countries and working remotely.
- 02 Develop an “easy to use” CMS enabling CIF to edit all the content of the website.
- 03 Develop a dynamic listing and a map of all CIF locations around the world.
- 01We setup different communication channels for different purposes. We talk on Whatsapp for quick questions/answers on simple topics, emails for longer discussion on complicated topics that require explanations and regular meetings on zoom to debrief and introduce our work. In addition we used a shared Google drive folder used by CIF to provide us with the content.
- 02 We decided to develop a custom CMS using Laravel framework because pre-built options wouldn’t be “easy to use” for CIF users as far as they offer much more options than what’s needed in this specific case.
- 03 We used Google map API to achieve the multiple locations mapping of CIF branches. The map is combined with a proper listing of the locations details that automatically refresh when zooming the map on a region of the world.
- 01The communication with CIF was efficient so we could catch the deadlines. The outcome of the project matches with the initial requirements bringing full satisfaction to the client.
- 02 The content of the website is easy to manage and doesn’t require any specific knowledge thanks to the custom-made CMS. CIF updates the content of its website regularly.
- 03 The dynamic combination of the map and the listing makes it extremely easy for the visitor to find any CIF location around the world.